It's often been said that it's the little things in life that make
all the difference...
No where is this truer than when it comes to keeping your
relationship alive, growing and vibrant.
Romance can be one of those things that keeps a
relationship fresh and exciting.
Here's an example for romantic things …
Cook the favorite meal for your husband and care about your table with flowers & candle.
Wear your husband pajama ( you just can wear the top) and put his perfume.
put a small love letter in your husband pocket of clothes when he travel alone or in his bag with his favorite chocolate..
go together for your first place that you have gone.
say yes "my dear/honey" when he call you .
draw a lovely word with your lipstick on the mirror bath before he enter it.
getting a bowl of ice-cream and two spoons--then sharing it.
always give him a long hug when he go and arrive home.
send to him a romantic or funny message by mobile when you are together in his parents house then look to his eyes & smile.
be attention for everything he said and don't forget it.
ask him about his work plan and help him if you can.
eat from his spoon or drink on the same place he drink.
set his picture on desktop background and put " I miss u" on his laptop when he is away.
don't forget to buy thing for him when you go shopping ,even it's small thing.
say the word he loved from you & don't do things he hate.
put your engaged or honeymoon perfume.
you can do small lovely thing like when you put some ketchup put it like a heart or lips & you can bake a heart cake then write his name with yours on it. You can use your imagination.
Be a female & delicate!
هناك ٣ تعليقات:
This is my Soomy.
yaaay ..momtii3 wallah ,,ela al amama ya gamar ,, this is my sis zamzam :)
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